Guided tour | The Woman and the Man

Június 14.
45 perc
Supplementary ticket fee 2,000 HUF (valid together with the ticket for the permanent exhibition)

We take a look at depictions of men and women by Renaissance and baroque artists and try to decode the ideals, norms, and values of their time. With the help of portraits, religious, mythological and genre paintings, we explore the cultural and social contexts of the time: how idealised beauty, gender roles, and symbolism changed over time and differed geographically.

The talk will be given by Szilvia Záray, art historian and museum educator.

Kategória: Kiállítás Tárlatvezetés
Visitors information

The programme can be visited with an supplementary ticket of HUF 2000 purchased with the permanent exhibition ticket.

You can save money with the MFAB Annual Ticket Come more, see more, explore more.

Those with an Annual Ticket who come to the guided tours in our permanent and graphic art exhibitions only need to buy a supplementary ticket, since their entry tickets are included in the Annual Ticket.


Please check in advance the admission rules on the museum's website:

A limited number of tickets are available on site.


Szépművészeti Múzeum
1146, Budapest, Dózsa György út 41., Hősök tere
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